Tensions High at NIC Meeting

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The North Idaho College board of trustees voted unanimously to consider giving the student body president a seat at their meetings. Board Chair Greg McKenzie presented the motion and said the board was open to empowering students. At the meeting, McKenzie refused to allow ASNIC President Damian Maxwell to give public comment about student concerns regarding governance issues. He stated that public comments had to stick to the agenda items and that rules had to be consistent for everyone.

Interim President Greg South addressed the college’s accreditation issues when he gave his report. He said that the situation was very serious and that the board had to comport itself in a way that aligned with accreditation. He introduced three new members of his leadership team, who have experience working with accreditors. Accreditation Liaison Officer Steve Kurtz presented trustees with information about the college’s enrollment, which has dropped 9.2% since last year. NIC’s enrollment has shifted from traditional academics to dual enrollment, with dual credit students making up 31% of the total, while enrollment in career and technical programs is shrinking.