Last Thursday, the Coeur d’Alene Press published a misleading headline: “Judge rejects NIC subpoenas”. This has led many in the local community to believe that all 17 subpoenas delivered by the new legal counsel, Art Macomber, was rejected.

Upon reading the entire article, Staff Writer Kaye Thornbrugh does eventually divulge that 3 of the subpoenas were rejected by Judge Cynthia Meyer however there was little coverage about the significance of the 14 subpoenas that are still outstanding:
- Pauly Group, Inc
- David Wold
- John Goedde
- Peter M. Broschet
- North Idaho College’s Employee Sarah Garcia
- North Idaho College’s Employee Karen Hubbard
- North Idaho College’s Employee Laura Rumpler
- North Idaho College’s Employee Ken Wardinsky
- North Idaho College’s Employee Rayelle Anderson
- North Idaho College’s Employee Lloyd Duman
- North Idaho College’s Employee Shannon Goodrich
- North Idaho College’s Employee Steve Kurtz
- Kenneth B Howard
- Non-Party Michael Sebaaly
Lyons O’Dowd, PLLC(Quashed by Judge Cynthia Meyer)Christie Wood(Quashed by Judge Cynthia Meyer)Kenneth B. Howard(Quashed by Judge Cynthia Meyer)
Based on the names listed on the subpoenas, it becomes evident that there is a greater picture of the situation at North Idaho College that’s being ignored by various news agencies here in Kootenai.