KCRCC Asks AG and Idaho Legislature to Allow Anonymous Political Donations

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The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) posted an upcoming resolution to their website that requests an opinion from Attorney General Raúl Labrador, and the Idaho Legislature on whether sunshine laws are an infringement on the First Amendment.

The resolution is premised on the theory that financial giving equates with “free speech.”

The term “sunshine” alludes to the idea that shining a light into the obscure workings of corruption functions as a preventative cure. At least, that’s what the intent was when this law was drafted into Idaho Statutes.

If sunshine laws are removed this would allow for political candidates, PACs, and even sitting politicians to receive financial support with total anonymity (e.g., like non-profits). This would be a drastic contrast to federal sunshine laws, and most other states.

Committee resolutions don’t have any legal force, but are used as a unified statement that the county or state party is making. It’s a weathervane to ascertain where the conservative wind is blowing.

The resolution has been copied from the KCRCC website, and included below for your convenience.

To the Kootenai County delegation of the Idaho Legislature: 

Whereas the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee has been made aware of Idaho’s Sunshine Laws, which restricts anonymous political speech; and

Whereas the Supreme Court precedent establish in McIntyre vs Ohio Elections Comm’n 514 US 334 (1995) protects anonymous political speech as a fundamental principle enshrined in the First Amendment; and 

Whereas the Central Committee desires to obtain an opinion from the State Attorney General and the Idaho State Legislature members on this matter;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that: The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee hereby requests that our Kootenai County Delegation in the State Legislature request an opinion from the State Attorney General and the Idaho State Legislature members on whether Idaho’s Sunshine Laws violate citizen’s right to free expression as guaranteed by the First Amendment by chilling their ability to engage in anonymous political speech.

Be It Further Resolved: The Secretary is hereby instructed to convey said request to all State Representatives and Senators representing Kootenai County with all dispatch.