Idaho Passes Property Tax Relief Bill, and Nixes March School Levies

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Today the Idaho Legislature overrode Governor Little’s veto, and passed HB292 dubbed as the a “property tax relief” bill. However, there are a few other significant changes coming to Idaho.

Regarding property taxes, HB292 does a number of things:

  • Creates a school district facilities fund with general fund dollars. Schools districts can use these funds instead of funds acquired via levies.
  • Allocates certain general fund dollars to property tax relief for most homeowners.
  • Allows more people to qualify for the circuit breaker property tax relief program

Additionally, HB292 eliminates March from the available months that school districts are able to run a levy. This still leaves school districts with the ability to run levy elections in August.

Check out the Idaho Freedom Index for comprehensive information on HB292. Alternatively, read the full bill text on the Idaho Legislature website.