Local CDA Citizen Takes Cheap Shot at Local Bakery

CDAPress published an article today featuring CDA resident Christie Hoium who is criticizing Breaking Bread. Read Between the Lede to get the main points of this story.

  • Breaking Bread regularly posts quotes on their outdoor marquee. This past Monday the quote was displayed: “To Conquer a Nation First Disarm Its Citizens.”
  • This wasn’t the sticking issue for Christie Hoium. Instead, it was because the quote cited “Adolf Hitler” as the originator of that saying.
  • CDAPress and Hoium seemed to miss the point of the quotation, and are happily jumping on the bandwagon to besmirch Breaking Bread.
  • Breaking Bread is popular among local conservative patrons as the business has been run by a well-known unabashedly conservative family.

Off message

Christie Hoium has called Coeur d’Alene home for five years and likes it. But a reader board message on a busy intersection in the community Monday had her upset.
