The Kootenai Journal sent questionnaires to candidates running in the upcoming May 2023 election. While only 5 candidates responded to our questionnaire, we think our Voters Guide provides a unique perspective amongst the diverse array of resources offered by local political/non-profit groups.1 We earnestly hope you’ll find this resource helpful.
Candidate Responses 2
- Lakes Highway District
- Community Library Network
- Kootenai Hospital District
Standard Questionnaire
- In what ways, great and small, will your faith inform your role as [political office]?
- What excites you about serving as a [political office]?
- Where can candidates go to learn more about you?
Additional Questions for Specific Offices
- Community Library Network Trustee: What is your answer to critics that accuse local conservative voters of engaging in censorship?
- Kootenai Hospital District Trustee: Do you view the decision to convert Kootenai Health into a 501(c)(3) non-profit as a good/bad decision? Explain in detail, if needed.
1. Links to find your polling location, request an absentee ballot, and other voter guides are available below.
2. Candidates are listed in the order that KJ’s questionnaire was returned (e.g., the earliest response presented first in that respective race). Additionally, the order of races is listed in order of the candidate filing report on the Kootenai Elections website.
Lakes Highway District

- In what ways, great and small, will your faith inform your role as Lakes Highway District Commissioner?
As a Bible believing Born Again Christian, it is always my intention to apply biblical precepts to all aspects of life, whether personal, business, political or otherwise. - What excites you about serving as a Lakes Highway District Commissioner?
As an elected, my obligation is to the taxpayer. I’m excited to have the opportunity to potentially reduce the size and scope of the district, while maintaining its efficiency and effectiveness. - Where can candidates go to learn more about you?

- In what ways, great and small, will your faith inform your role as Lakes Highway District Commissioner?
Well, in God, I suppose. Well, I’m a Christian. I go to church, I’m involved with my church and I believe in right and wrong. There’s right and wrong about everything it seems like. Listen, I think our nation is in trouble. I believe in honesty. - What excites you about serving as a Lakes Highway District Commissioner?
I’ve been a commissioner for quite a few years and when I first started as a commissioner, our goals, my goal anyway, was to try and direct the highway district in a direction that would position it in the future to be able to, to see that the district was positioned for the future so that, future commissioners could carry on that. We would leave the district in a good position as far as equipment, as far as modernizing our, our operation. And I think we’ve done that over the past 16 years that I’ve been a commissioner. And I think we’ve, we have improved the district considerably. I think our highway district is cutting edge. I think we could hold our own with any highway district throughout the state. - Where can candidates go to learn more about you?
Community Library Network

- In what ways, great and small, will your faith inform your role as Library Board Trustee?
My Christian Faith is the source of my morality. The great offenses that have taken place with obscene library material being offered to children over the past few years have appealed my morality. I want to make this right for our community and remove these books so children cannot access them. Once in the role as a Library Trustee, I will use my Faith and morality, which is based on the 10 Commandments, as a guide in knowing when and how new policies will be needed to accomplish the correct changes. - What excites you about serving as a Trustee?
As a trustee serving with a conservative majority, I will be able to correct the way the library system decides which books to add. I will be able to help put a stop to the progressive changes that have been implemented over the recent years. I will be able to work with the majority to ensure correct bathroom policies and any performances for children will not take place at the library. - What is your answer to critics that accuse local conservative voters of engaging in censorship?
The critics are assuming what we will do to remove the books. They glossed over my plans without looking at the details. We will immediately move the obscene books from the minors areas to behind the counter. We are not going to burn or censor books. They will still be in the library, but only accessible to those over 18, which is what the ID code on obscenity. The books that will be moved are those that meet the existing ID Code 18-1514 that goes into great detail describing what Obscenity is. - Where can candidates go to learn more about you?
My website is It contains my background and has a media page with links to articles, surveys, and press releases.
Kootenai Hospital District

- In what ways, great and small, will your faith inform your role as Hospital Trustee?
Seeking wisdom is more than a daily occurrence, it seems sometimes moment by moment. I will strive to communicate clearly, my understanding of what is presented and reach decisions based on a biblical worldview. I will represent this community with Christian values. - What excites you about serving as a Hospital Trustee?
Frankly, I am challenged because this current Board intentionally left the community out of its decision to go private. While non-profit organizations do not report profits, executives make hundreds of thousands of dollars plus bonuses. This decision should have involved the public. - Do you view the decision to convert Kootenai Health into a 501(c)(3) non-profit as a good/bad decision? Explain in detail, if needed.
There needs to be more information regarding the pros and cons. What I am sure of is that no one involved, family member, partner, business associate, should profit from this action. Decisions of this board compounded problems and turned a respected financially sound organization into one in danger of defaulting on its debt. - Where can candidates go to learn more about you?
I have a campaign email where voters may ask questions they believe applicable (

- In what ways, great and small, will your faith inform your role as Hospital Trustee?
My faith is what informs my morals, ethics and conscience. I make decisions based on these values and will make a promise to the voters that I will use my faculties wisely and in the best interests of the community, not the best interests of the Hospital executive administration. - What excites you about serving as a Hospital Trustee?
I believe we all have a duty to give back to the community by public service. I see issues in health care in general and Kootenai Hospital specifically, that need to be addressed. I plan to push for transparency and accountability in policy decisions. - Do you view the decision to convert Kootenai Health into a 501(c)(3) non-profit as a good/bad decision? Explain in detail, if needed.
I do not see the decision to convert the hospital from a ‘public’ hospital to a private hospital is good for the residents, patients and voters of Kootenai County. First of all, the conversion will take away Trustee elections which means residents and voters will not have a voice in how the hospital is managed and how it spends money. The conversion will take away public access to board meetings and policy decisions, public records and accountability.
The current executive administration is on a quest to make Kootenai Health a “premiere medical destination…” ostensibly on par with the likes of the Mayo Clinic or the Cleveland Clinic. This should not be the goal of our regional public hospital; it needs to be a place where quality health care can be obtained for all, it does not mean it must be a gleaming glass and stainless steel monument on a hill. The hospital has a duty to spend money wisely on necessary improvements and capacity, the conversion will remove it completely from public oversight. - Where can candidates go to learn more about you?
I plan to re-enable my Facebook page, chris4kootenai or Chris Nordstrom.
I am now retired after having worked more than 35 years in information technology, most recently for a large investment management firm as assistant vice president for Network/voice Engineering. I have manged teams to implement many multi-million dollar projects and worked closely with executive management at all levels. My background and experience is not in healthcare, I am not a doctor, but I believe the role of Trustee is not to practice medicine, but to oversee the administration and management of the hospital to ensure it meets the needs of Kootenai County residents and beyond.

Voter Resources
- Kootenai County Republican Party
- Kootenai County Democrats
- North Idaho Republicans
- Watchmen Ministry North Idaho