Candidates-elect to Take Oaths of Office in January

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Idaho, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of … (insert office) … according to the best of my ability.”

Idaho §59-401

Throughout the month of January, candidates-elect will begin their terms of office by swearing this oath. A proper understanding of American civics will show that the duties and responsibilities of citizens do not end on election day. Witnessing an elected official’s oath of office is both a simple act of civic duty for the public and a memorable event for the elected citizen. Only a small percentage of citizens will ever swear an oath to the US and Idaho Constitutions by way of winning an elected office. When asked if they would like to address their constituents, several candidates-elect replied:

The greatest entitlement I can give my constituents is the expectation they will hold me accountable for actions while in office. I will fight for a more transparent city government that respects the small-town character of Hayden. I can only be successful if the citizens of Hayden are involved.”

Tom Shafer, Candidate-elect, Hayden City Council

Thank you for your support. I look forward to working to protect and improve all of what we love about Post Falls. Please help support these efforts by attending and speaking at city council meetings.”

Samantha Steigleder, Candidate-elect, Post Falls City Council

I’m humbled to have such an incredible opportunity to continue serving our community. I hope to find meaningful ways to engage the public and prioritize the community’s vision for the future of our small town.”

Mike Hill, Candidate-elect, Rathdrum City Mayor

I am truly honored to have been elected to another term on the Post Falls City Council.  I love this community and look forward to serving, to the absolute best of my ability, for another four years.”

Joe Malloy, Candidate-elect Post Falls City Council

Thank you to each and every one who voted for me! I will endeavor to my fullest to prove your faith in me was, and is, warranted. As a councilwoman for all of Spirit Lake, I will continue to reach out to ensure the residents’ voices are heard and concerns are addressed.”

Charlene Phipps, Candidate-elect Spirit Lake City Council

The swearing-in ceremonies will begin on January 2, 2024, and by the end of the month, 10 mayors, 31 city councilmembers, 14 school board trustees, and 17 fire commissioners will officially commence with the first duties of their offices.

It remains unknown how many of those who won their elections have read the Constitutions they will swear to support, or whether they have a clear understanding of the duties pertaining to their office.

Below are the dates, times, and locations for some of the upcoming oath-of-office ceremonies: