SANDPOINT, IDAHO – On Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Bonner County Commissioner Luke Omodt was issued a cease and desist letter from the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney Louis Marshall. A copy of the letter was obtained by the Kootenai Journal through a public records request and addresses an action initiated by Omodt several weeks ago.

As stated in the letter, Omodt allegedly “commanded the IT Director Jacob Storms to alter the credentials of Sergeant Marcus Robbins.” The statement further details concerns for the risk to the integrity of highly sensitive records involved with criminal and death investigations including victim’s information.
The letter concludes, “we are prepared to initiate legal proceedings in the Bonner County District Court to protect against this gross overreach and abuse of power.”
The letter was signed by the Bonner County Prosecuting Attorney Louis Marshall, Bonner County Sheriff Daryl Wheeler, and Bonner County Coroner Robert Beers.
Omodt could not be reached for comment.