A House Divided Cannot Stand

Letter to the Editor by Ruby Bolich of Coeur d’Alene

It grieves me to know how divided our country is and this didn’t happen overnight. I feel for the farmers and ranchers in the Snake River area, the commentary on the issue was very well done. I pray people will take a stand against what has happened to the ranchers and farmers in that area of our state. There is strength in numbers. 

Our country is being run by a bunch of Socialist, Marxist jackasses – they call themselves Democrats. 

I liked the article about flying the Betsy Ross flag. Thank you Mr. Ralph Ginorio for a very good article. 

When I read about the guy who got $1,176,000, I wanted to throw up over the guy who said the lady was wrong. I noticed Posey was represented by one of Obama’s former US District Attorneys who served the Dist. of Idaho from 2010-2017.

Anyhow, we don’t trust in crooked lawyers, but in our Lord and Savior to get us through this life. Pretty soon, we the people who take a stand won’t be able to write letters like this to the editor.

God bless you and the Kootenai Journal, I am thankful for a good paper.

By the way, I’m 82 now and am praying for a landslide victory in November.