Screenshot image of Joe Biden at CNN presidential debate on June 26, 2024.

Biden Was Always Irrelevant

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Keep Right – Column by Ralph K. Ginorio

Joe Biden was always irrelevant. Never once in his life did he take a risk or make a stand because it was the right thing to do. He served his own personal interests by always doing the bidding of his party’s power brokers. This is why for over three years his evident infirmities did not cripple his administration.

Even in his youth, in possession of vitality and mental acuity, Joe Biden was a reliable party hack. Biden was a salesman who advertised the program and pushed the policies of smarter and more well-connected individuals.

This didn’t have to be a disaster. Harry Truman came to elected office in the pocket of Kansas City Crime Boss Tom Pendergast. He was a machine politician who always served some power broker. However, when he succeeded to the Presidency, he underwent a transformation. While maintaining a conspicuous personal humility, Truman genuinely took the reins of power into his own hands. He stood up to the Soviets, despite the wishes of many in the Washington establishment who wished to appease Stalin at every turn. In setting the pattern that would lead to American victory in the Cold War, Harry Truman became a great President.

To the nation’s cost, Joe Biden is no Harry Truman. His successes were all achieved when he advocated the priorities of others. When I first noticed him in the early 1980s, Biden was a leading advocate of the Nuclear Freeze Movement, an attempt to prevent Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher from outperforming the Soviets and winning the Cold War. Had Biden’s policies been adopted, the USSR might still be with us.

Biden was an undisciplined thug of a debater, speaking platitudes and casting aspersions against his opponents with relish. His tone was always nasty, his smile predatory, and his demeanor caustic.

Civility was never Biden’s way, not when viciousness was possible. In Senate Judiciary hearings that rejected Reagan Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, Biden was the hatchet man who joyfully replaced genuine Senatorial deliberation with character assassination.

Joe Biden’s lowest moment, before moving to the White House, was his orchestration of the modern, high-tech lynching of Conservative Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. Biden raked up and highlighted sordid and unprovable allegations of sexual harassment made by Thomas’ former staffer, Anita Hill, as proof that Thomas was unworthy to sit on our nation’s highest court.

He was assisted in this by the man who Biden called his mentor, Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia. Byrd, who was allegedly a high officer in the Ku Klux Klan, helped Biden smear the reputation of Clarence Thomas, only the second African-American to serve on the Supreme Court.

There was a sharpness to the invective employed by Biden, which Clarence Thomas himself said was because he was “an uppity Black” who did not abase himself at the feet of the Democratic Party. Given Biden’s later comment in 2020 that any African-American who voted for Trump “ain’t Black” such subtly racist conduct is very much in character.

Biden continues to be a reliable attack dog for progressive causes, where to this day he consistently plumbs the depths of personal attacks against anyone he deems to be his enemy. “Ultra-MAGA Republicans” are not to him merely a loyal opposition. They are literally enemies of freedom who wish to “destroy our democracy.”

On camera, Biden once scoffed at the notion that as an elected official he worked for everyday Americans. Most tellingly, he and his family became rich in over a half-century of earning a meager government salary.

Biden won fame, fortune, power, and high office by being biddable. His obvious mental decline, which was conspicuous well before the 2020 election, merely exacerbated his irrelevance.

This is bad. Our nation’s Executive Branch has been revealed to serve unelected power brokers. At a time of global crises, the Free World is led by an empty mannequin.

Unfortunately, Biden’s incapacity is not unique. Because of a stroke, Edith Wilson was in every way that mattered the President of the United States for the last year of Woodrow Wilson’s presidency. As Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s health failed, his Presidency came increasing under the influence of his Cabinet. As Watergate consumed his presidency, Richard Nixon relied increasingly on men like Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig. Doctor Jill Biden follows this path.

Long before now, the 25th Amendment should have been activated and Biden should have been replaced by Vice President Harris. Had anyone close to Biden possessed a shred of integrity, this would have been done for the national interest. Even a DEI President is better than an empty vessel.

But the leadership of today’s Democrat Party is allergic to democratic and Constitutional processes. There has not been a genuinely contested Democratic Primary since 2008. For the past sixteen years, the Party leadership has manipulated their selection process to guarantee the predetermined result.

Even now, they could open their convention to a genuinely open process,
which would result in a real floor fight but would produce a legitimate nominee. But, these Soviet-style oligarchs will always choose control over spontaneity, an effigy of democracy rather than its actuality.

So, they seem to have anointed Harris without a single vote. To today’s
Democrat Party, the end of holding onto power justifies employing the most corrupt means.

Today, we face an openly un-American Democrat Party. Since Obama’s
tenure, Democrats and their enablers all increasingly conform to an anti-Constitutional Socialist ideology. Since beginning to defer to “the Party’s base,” from 2008 on, Democrats are increasingly interchangeable. They think in lockstep.

Every contemporary Democrat leader advocates nearly identical policy
goals. Only the spokesman’s personal style distinguishes one from another. In terms of policy, there is absolutely no difference between Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsome, or any other potential Democrat standard-bearers. They each will eagerly steal our liberties to satisfy their insatiable hunger for control.

Joe Biden is, was, and ever shall be irrelevant.