Drag queen parody of da Vinci's "The Last Supper" (image from thepeoplesvoicetv.com).

Western Men Finally Standing Up Against Perverse Evil 

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You would have to be living a secluded life cut-off from all forms of media and technology to have missed the uprising of disgust over the opening night performance of the 2024 Paris Olympics. 

Amidst the firestorm of rebuke that has centered around the mockery of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” there are two noteworthy observations.

First, how is anyone surprised? Have you not been watching the rot that has infested the Western culture in the name of love? Have you not heard time and time again that Christians are bigoted and dangerous and should be treated with contempt and disdain? Did you miss the revolution within our system of institutions and government that has given rise to the new god of diversity, equity, and inclusion? 

How quickly Christian Americans have forgotten that the Democratic Biden/Harris administration issued an official “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Resurrection Sunday less than four months ago.

Exposing the entire world to a transgender mockery of Christ’s sacrifice and grace should not surprise anyone who has an ounce of awareness. Did you really think upsetting suburban mothers with drag queen story hours for 5-year-olds was their endgame?

Second, across all forms of communication a large contingent of Western men are using whatever influence they have to soundly reject the perverse display of sexual pagan debauchery. Finally! Men are designed to be protectors and providers and it’s about time they take up their role with vigor. 

One such personality posts content to YouTube as RattlesnakeTV. In his review of the Olympic opening ceremony titled, “The Truth Behind The Satanic Paris Opening Ceremony,” Jake succinctly covers the important issues from his perspective as a Western Christian man.

“The Olympics has gone completely and openly demonic,” states Jake at the beginning of his 13 minute overview. “Whoever is in charge of this thing is rubbing it in the face of the world that they worship Satan and they have now captured all of the institutions that once-upon-a-time we would have trusted.”

He goes on to take a look at the symbolism which was front and center of the performance, which he calls “truly, truly dark.”

In reference to “cross-dressing degenerates” imitating the Last Supper where one guy exposed his testicle, Jake sarcastically notes, “I’m sure it was a subtle piece of artistic brilliance.”

“This is progress guys,” he states. “This is the rotting corpse of almost a century of liberalism and this is the enemy shoving the decline in our face. The problem with this Western liberalism where everyone is allowed to do whatever they want all the time … is that we have completely lost touch with goodness and with virtue.”

He goes on to explain that evil is often the winner on the battlefield because good cannot even fathom the depths of depravity that evil will go with abandon. Jordan Peterson discusses this reality in-depth and two simple quotes underscore the point.

Unless you can think the way that an evil person thinks then you’re defenseless against them because they’ll go places you can’t imagine, then they win.

Jordan Peterson

A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very, very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control.

Jordan Peterson

According to Jake, virtue requires knowledge, shame, and retrospection whereas with evil “you are constantly at the mercy of your deepest and darkest desires and impulses.” A man must train to anchor himself to wisdom and goodness or become feral. The same goes for culture. Without a strong emphasis on virtue, our culture becomes feral, and that is exactly what was on display at the Paris Olympics.

The display was much more than woke. It took what the Olympics stand for – a celebration of human excellence where athletes compete on pure merit to earn the gold medal – and turned it into a vomiting salute to ideological and political progressivism.

Olympians are representations for truth, goodness, and beauty and as such give structure to our society. The games represent patriotism, meritocracy, and discipline, highlighting the very best physical specimens from each country, and the radical left absolutely hates this representation because it “flies in the face of the transhumanist, borderless, melting-pot dream of the liberal globalists.”

“When we look at the degeneracy they have imposed on our culture, and when you look at the ideologies that have taken over our institutions, they are antithetical to truth, goodness, and beauty,” he states. “They thrive on chaos and they dance in the burning ruins of civil society.”

With images of cross-dressing men making a mockery of women flashing across the screen, Jake continues, “These are the people who obfuscate gender roles, sexualize children, decimate Christianity in favor of their own cult-like religions, and uglify absolutely everything from architecture to art to people.”

With these kinds of people in control of government, industry, media, and education, the million dollar question remains – did Western men awaken to their God-given roles as protectors and providers too late? It is not enough to place the fate of your soul in God’s hands, you are called to act in this world for the preservation of your life and that of your family. It is time to become good men. It is time to become warriors for truth, goodness, and beauty.