Dangerous Delusions

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Keep Right – Column by Ralph K. Ginorio

Certain delusions are fatal. Stepping off of a cliff into open space because you have hypnotized yourself into really believing in the existence of a non-existent bridge is merely one example of a fatal delusion.

For decades, I smoked unfiltered Camel cigarettes, denying all health risks. I only quit after I had begun to cough up blood in the mornings. Today, I suffer from a self-inflicted Type-II Diabetes, but I have thus far categorically refused to sufficiently modify my lifestyle. These are pernicious delusions; self-chosen falsehoods that I have determined to treat as if they were real and true. Oh, what a fool I am!

However, if misery loves company, then I should be a very happy man. Our present-day society is consumed by fatal self-deception.

While many of us strive to live in truth, the predominant spirit of our times is shaped by ideologues who counterfeit their ideals, marketing them to the rest of us as if they were objective reality. These deceivers demand that the rest of us live within their lies if we wish to avoid persecution.

Any student of history will recognize such a demand. The Babylonians demanded that the Hebrews abandon Yahweh and instead worship Marduk. The Sanhedrin demanded that Jesus of Nazareth concur with their convictions by betraying his own. The pagan Romans demanded that early Christians sacrifice a pinch of incense once annually to acknowledge the divinity of the Emperor. The Spanish Inquisition demanded that Jews who had remained within Catholic Spain abandon every aspect of their faith or be tortured. Entire German cities were wiped out in the Thirty Years War because they were not of the same denomination as the occupying army. Totalitarian Communists and National Socialists murdered tens of millions who did not conform to their dogma.

These are but a few examples of a form of intolerance that has inspired much violence throughout our recorded history. While every society demands a certain loyalty to a few core principles, these zealots insist that everyone bend the knee.

Today, we are told by the precious elites, the beautiful people, our best and brightest, that homosexuals and transvestites deserve full normalization. This means the abandonment of heteronormativity, biological reality, and the distinction between children and adults as well as that between men and women.

No matter the effects that such untrammeled normalization would have on children, families, women, or the health of society as a whole, the wildest dreams of the most extreme theorists on these matters must be embraced without objection – or else!

Pre-adolescent children must be groomed to consider that there is nothing out-of-the-ordinary about drag queen story hour. In fact, these transvestites must be celebrated as being heroic role-models. Biological and social cues that are as old as human society must now be denied, even reversed, for the sake of fully normalizing homosexuality.

Parents who object to the premature and deviant sexualization of their innocent children must be classified as domestic terrorists, else their resistance stand in the way of this new theocratic LGBTQ+ agenda. Such parents must have their roles eclipsed by state actors like radicalized public schools, all “for the sake of the children.”

Famously, at a Summer Olympics that opened with a celebration of drag queens at the expense of Christians, a female athlete was seriously injured by a transvestite man who has been celebrated as he participates in female boxing bouts. On another occasion, Payton McNabb was partially paralyzed in a volleyball game by a male transvestite who was permitted to play with the females. This woman’s life will never be the same, because the powers-that-be prioritized LBGT+ ideology over safety. These stories exemplify what is happening to countless girls and women, who have had their dreams (and sometimes their lives) destroyed by the ideology of fully normalized homosexuality and transvestitism.

It is good that homosexuality is no longer a crime. It is better that people who are homosexual are no longer hounded from their families, their vocations, and their communities.

However, like a once-abused child who becomes an abusive adult, many self-appointed leaders of the LGBTQ+ have relished an enthusiastic persecution against heterosexual people and traditional society. Today, homosexuals are the persecutors of all who decline to celebrate them.

A person’s desire to be treated as who they wish they were, rather than as what they are, is less important than the needs of children, families, women, and society for objective reality and the traditions that stem from it. We must stop tolerating LGBTQ+ intolerance.

A biological man remains a man, even if all of his wishes revolve around being treated as if he were a woman. No biological male should be permitted to transgress on those parts of society reserved for innocent children or biological women.

Among adults, LGBTQ+ lifestyle choices should be tolerated as an earnest of our society’s belief in freedom of action, conscience, and speech.

However, their desire to rewrite everything in other people’s lives to conform to their dreams of full and unlimited normalization must not any longer be permitted to harm any potential victim. To the extent that they are harmful, the dangerous delusions of the LGBTQ+ must henceforth be denied.