Keep Right – Column by Ralph K. Ginorio
His Britannic Majesty’s government is stepping up to criminalize “misinformation” and “hate speech” on the internet. Elon Musk is threatened with arrest, as are you and me, all because our shared “abuse” of free speech is deemed to be harmful.
The only valid response to such hubris is to say loud and clear, “SOD OFF, COMMIE BRITS!” Since defeating your empire in the 1780s, your Parliament has no jurisdiction over the free speech of my fellow Americans.
More than this reality of legal jurisdiction is a greater reality. We in the United States enjoy free speech. You in Britain still are still supposed to be able to say that “2+2=4,” even when it riles up minorities and politicians. However, since World War II, you British have permitted your Left-wing politicians and your unelected bureaucrats to diminish this God-given right.
As with your willing surrender of your firearms, you British citizens are a cautionary tale of what we might become if we fail to insist that no one infringe on our precious, inalienable rights. As we observe what you have allowed to be taken from you by utopian Leftists in your socialist hell, each of us Americans can say, “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”
Independent voters of America, if you wish to see where the Progressive Left wishes to lead us, just look at the United Kingdom. If you wish to live under a regime that interferes with your ability to speak the truth of your conscience without fear, read and hear the free expression of other adults of all viewpoints, protect your person and your rights (if necessary, with lethal force), and engage in business or access healthcare without government making all the key choices for you, then by all means vote Democrat.
The timing of the new Labor government’s move is suspect. Britain has had a two-tier legal and police system that has been growing more blatantly with each decade. If you are an illegal alien or a protected minority, the government will coddle you, permit you to act violently against the broader society, and pay your debts for you.
If you are a regular citizen, without connection to the powerful elites, then you will get stepped on. The recent riots in Britain against this two-tiered governance destroying British lives and liberty have placed Premier Kier Starmer’s Socialist government on the defensive. Brits of all backgrounds, all races, and all faiths have taken to the streets to demand a restoration of fairly
applied laws; of equal protection under the law for every British citizen.
Dare I say, these Britons want to make Britain great again. There are many deep connections between MAGA and the average British citizen rejecting a dilution of their citizenship rights by an internationalist cabal of self-serving elites. This connection goes back to the successful BREXIT initiative that preceded Trump’s first election to the Presidency.
The insistence on controlling what everyday people say, write, see, and hear is also the same, because US Progressives and UK Socialists want the same things: a muzzled, subservient, disarmed, and dependent lower class that can be easily ruled by a new technocratic aristocracy. We are to be Serfs in their restored Feudalism; human chattels of our betters living off the scraps that they toss us.
Britain may be too far gone, but I would never write off the land of Burke, Churchill, Tolkien, and Orwell. We in the USA are not yet too far gone to overcome these elites’ fear of free expression.
Go onto the internet and boldly spread the truth of your conscience even when these would-be nobles call it “hateful” or “misinformation.” Defy the wannabee censorious elites, whether they are on the Coeur d’Alene City Council or in the British House of Commons. Shout a resounding “NO!” at the top of your voice to all local Woke Cultists, American Progressive Fellow Travelers, Ivory Tower Theorists, Communist British Leaders, World Economic Forum Plutocrats, or anyone else who is desperate to control your speech. SOD OFF, COMMIE BRITS!