John Padula holds one of the many firearms auctioned during the fundraiser surrounded by men currently in the Set Apart Discipleship program.

Over 700 Men Helped by Local Non-profit 

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POST FALLS, Idaho – The first annual fundraiser for Set Apart Discipleship took place August 22 at Alt’s Copperhouse in Post Falls. The organization is a local 501(c)(3) non-profit that bridges the gap between incarceration and the Good Samaritan Rehabilitation in-patient program located in Coeur d’Alene. Set Apart is structured as an in-patient detox and mentorship program for men with drug and alcohol addictions for the period of time they are waiting for a place in the 60-day rehabilitation program and after its completion. Oftentimes the men are sent directly from court into the care of Set Apart, which was founded and run by John and Amanda Padula.

According to Padula, the non-profit was officially created in 2012 and has helped over 700 men break the bonds of addiction and start rebuilding their lives. However, it only recently held its first fundraising event to support its mission. “Our mission is to show these men who are struggling with addiction that there is freedom in salvation through Jesus Christ.” Padula attributes the impressive success rate to the Christ–centered nature of the program which seeks to show the love of Jesus to men at their most unlovable and to get to the core of what leads to addiction.

“When I came to Christ 15 years ago, I started doing outreach and pulling people off the streets who were struggling with addition,” shared Padula. He explained how he spent the next two years bringing these people into his home and helping them detox, adding that withdrawals from alcohol are the worst and can even lead to seizures. Then he married Amanda, and the two of them started housing men who had completed the Good Samaritan’s 60-day rehabilitation program while John continued to mentor them for ministry. This additional in-house mentoring after Good Samaritan is a key component to the men’s ability to restructure without relapses while establishing a foundation for building a life in Christian ministry.

After being contacted by a pastor and two moms who had loved ones waiting for Good Samaritan’s program but no safe housing in the interim, John and Amanda saw the need and an ability to fill the gap by utilizing John’s in-house mentorship program. This is when Set Apart Discipleship was founded and why it is a unique blend of support and housing for men pre- and post-rehab. The program is structured so that men who have already completed rehab participate in the mentorship of the men who are waiting for rehab. “Some stay with us long-term and mentor other men,” said Padula.

Set Apart currently has four beds for men to detox and wait for rehab and eight beds for men who are continuing their own mentorship and providing the same to newbies. Padula explained that detoxing is different depending on the substance and length of use, but the common factors are inability to sleep, vomiting, uncontrollable bowels, restless leg syndrome, and spiritual torment. “We nurse them back to health, and we pray a lot,” shared Padula. He said Suboxone, the drug used to treat opioid dependency, takes 3-5 weeks and is one of the worst, along side alcohol. The fundraiser was meant to help meet the operational needs of the program as well as to provide funds for additional beds. Due to its successful results, Padula says there are many local businesses who request graduates to fill positions since they are known to be reliable and dedicated workers.

Over a dozen current and former participants shared their stories of addiction and redemption during the fundraiser. Many laughed at remembrances of their days with Set Apart, wanting nothing to do with the loving, family environment at first, then quickly finding a hope and peace they didn’t realize they were searching for.

Amongst the 700 success stories are men who are now local business owners, new fathers, and servant leaders who have a productive and positive impact that ripples throughout the community. Several of the men who spoke to the crowd at Alt’s Copperhouse unequivocally stated that they would not be alive today without the Padulas and Set Apart because that is where they finally submitted to their Creator and made Jesus Lord of their lives.

Speak with anyone who works within the criminal justice labyrinth – from the jail deputy to the public defender’s office to the prosecutor’s office to the probation and parole officers – and you’ll quickly understand that addiction is the driving factor contributing to high crime rates. These folks will tell you that if one is truly interested in reducing crime, then they should focus on prevention and treatment of addiction.

“The program has always worked with us,” stated Keith Hutcheson, Director of Adult Misdemeanor Probation for Kootenai County. “We are court compliance officers and our goal is to work with programs for successful compliance. We don’t make any money throwing people in jail.” Hutcheson continued, “John is very straightforward and good communication is the key.”

For those interested in learning more about Set Apart Ministries or knows someone who would benefit from its program, contact John Padula at 208-704-1492 or email