Image is a screenshot of Fox News Channel airing a clip of Kamala Harris' interview with CNN.

Cowardly Kamala

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Keep Right – Column by Ralph K. Ginorio

The diversity hire Democratic Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris makes her birth characteristics the center of her campaign. If elected, she will be the first Asian-Jamaican female American president. Like Obama before her, she would have never been seriously considered by anyone as fit to carry out the heavy duties of president based upon her actual accomplishments. The color of her skin and her sex are what brought her to prominence, not any demonstrated merit.

This is all obvious to anyone who has followed her career. Harris has achieved no distinctive accomplishments. Her deeds have not set her above the average politician.

Anyone critical of the candidacy of this mediocrity of a vice president is charged with racism and sexism; ad hominem accusations of thought crime intended to deflect questions and stifle opposition. Without anti-white racism and anti-male sexism, Kamala Harris’ efforts would never have resulted in her rising to national prominence.

Today, most Americans could care less about a person’s race or sex. Most of us crave a colorblind and genderblind meritocracy where a person’s intentional actions matter more than any accidental inherited characteristic.

I try to follow Martin Luther King’s recommendation to prioritize assessing a candidate’s character over any genetic traits. Kamala Harris’ greatest problem is her deficient character.

Kamala Harris has no shame. She rose to prominence as a San Francisco feminist by dating former Mayor Willie Brown. She has always seemed oblivious to the irony of this.

Her achievements as California’s Attorney General were a result of the efforts of her hard-working staff more than her own questionable leadership. Her record of earning the loyalty of such staff, then and now, is abysmal. Good people do not remain under her leadership, citing her propensity to be abusive, narcissistic, and likely to blame staff for her own shortcomings. A person who cannot earn the loyalty of her personal staff has no business asking for the public’s trust.

In California and the White House, she politicized her priorities. In serving her own factional interests over the objective duties of her office, she has degraded her office’s legitimacy. She consistently chooses to serve herself over giving service to others.

Open and blatant hypocrisy characterize the disconnection between her words and her deeds. As Tulsi Gabbard pointed out in a 2020 debate, while Kamala bemoans disproportionately black prison populations, her DA’s Office maximized prison terms for relatively minor offenses.

As the “Border Czar” who has never visited our southern border, Harris has presided over the largest volkerwanderung (mass migration of whole populations) in United States history. Her intended policy has been and remains to replace voters who have left the Democratic Party with countless illegal aliens who will soon vote reliably Democrat. Yet, now she makes noises about border walls and immigration controls that superficially seem to echo Trump’s proven commitment to national sovereignty.

This is but one example of Kamala’s refusal to engage the American people about policy. Her online presence is disjointed and mutually-self-contradictory. Her speeches are vague, characterized by emotionalism without any grounding in a consistent set of policy proposals. Apparently, no voter is expected to go deeper than the question, “Isn’t it time for America to have a Black woman as President?”

For months since the coup that overthrew Biden’s candidacy, Harris has absolutely refused to engage in anything spontaneous. Cowardly, Kamala assiduously avoids unscripted events. Her craven fear is well-founded.

Throughout her public career, her performance in interviews is universally terrible. For decades, she has experienced great difficulty in answering even the simplest questions without going into a cloud-cuckoo-land of word salad and cackling like a fairytale witch. So, she hides behind a shield of aides, proxies, and propaganda because the real Kamala is not ready for prime time.

Kamala Harris’ record is one of supporting every flavor of Woke social reengineering intended to erase our shared Western Civilization. She has demonstrated a steely commitment to do all that she can to destroy our society in order to build her vision of utopia on its soon-to-be-forgotten ashes.

However, such rampant Leftism cannot attract support enough to win in 2024. Now she and her enablers are hiding her record and are instead re-marketing her as a political moderate who has somehow transformed herself into nothing less than very the personification of joy.

This image is even more ludicrous since, for decades, she has consistently abused her own personal staff to such a degree that she has great difficulty retaining anyone. If Kamala Harris cannot earn the loyalty of those who work closest with her, how can she be capable of leading the Free World?

Kamala exhibits no shame for her history of being a self-serving coward who has never learned to take responsibility for her choices or be accountable for her actions. Kamala Harris’ character is unworthy of our trust.