Keep Right — Column by Ralph K. Ginorio
With barely a week to go before Election Day 2024, the time for subtle eloquence is passing. Instead, it is time to anchor ourselves to reality with certain simple truths.
Despite Democrat attempts to recast Donald Trump as a uniquely acute threat to American liberty, we can each recall what he actually did as president. Instead of the nightmares being woven by Democrats, Americans can remember Trump’s real record.
The current Democratic nominee was not democratically chosen. No citizens voted for her nomination in 2024, and none in 2020. Kamala Harris was chosen by a narrow elite, a semi-secret oligarchy within the Democrat Party. Her candidacy cannot escape the reality that she did not earn the nomination through her performance in a series or primaries and caucuses, or in a
contested convention fight. She has all the weaknesses of someone who was given an opportunity by others rather having earned it him-or-herself through talent and hard work.
The Biden-Harris administration aided and abetted the invasion of between 10 and 25 million illegal aliens. They are settling huge numbers of these foreigners in key swing states in order to turn them solidly blue. Others are being sent to New York and California, where they can replace formerly Democratic Americans who have left or become independent or Republican. Hopefully, we can prevent them from being settled here among us.

Those who blindly castigate anyone talking about Democrats replacing American voters with outlanders as being a racist should look at measurable demographic trends. Many former Democrats within the African-American community, the Hispanic community, men in general, and the working class in particular have left the Democratic Party. Newly-arrived legal immigrants and illicitly-voting illegals vote monolithically Democrat, whenever they get the
The other demographic trend was recently acknowledged by, of all people, President Clinton. He pointed out that sharply lower American birthrates require an influx of new population to maintain economic growth. This inevitably means that the most hotly-denied elements of so-called Replacement Theory has a basis in objective reality. As we Americans have fewer children, we import their “replacements.” This will inevitably alter the cultural and ethnic composition of the American population.
Within the United States, California’s policies best indicate what Democrats would do on a national scale if given the chance. After importing tens of millions of legal immigrants and illegal aliens, their State government last week passed a new law absolutely forbidding the checking of personal identification at polling places. This is a shortcut to getting all of these foreigners to vote Democrat, giving Kamala a chance at winning the national popular vote.
This outrageous law does not merely enable, encourage and legitimize illegal alien voting. It de-legitimizes the votes of every legal California citizen. This new law makes it utterly impossible to separate legal from illegal votes. It also rewards open voter fraud, as operatives can cast multiple votes in multiple districts.
Outside of the United States, Western European-style social democracies are the Democrats’ role-model. Britain and France are prosecuting their own citizens for any political expression that disagrees with the ruling party’s policies. To prevent “misinformation,” Democrats are eager to imitate this and to punish any dissent from their own propaganda.
Democrats have politicized the Federal bureaucracy, turning every agency from the Internal Revenue Service to the Department of Justice into Red Guards: party militias who work for partisan gain rather than for the commonweal. The FBI is behaving more and more like a Gestapo, and the CIA ever more like an NKVD/KGB. Since 2009, investigating and intervening against American civilians has increasingly become the primary focus of these
agencies. Traditionally, the U.S. government is supposed to be above politics; not any more.
None of this is theory. None of it is a warning based upon my own subjective sensibilities. These things have actually happened. They are real. This is by no means an exhaustive list of Democrat actions abandoning our civic traditions of limited government in a multi-party Republic and towards pursuit of perpetual one-party rule. These things are all harbingers of things to come if today’s Democrats get their way.
Think about this, then do what you believe to be right; while you still can.