The Liberated Learner — Column by Suzanne Kearney
American education is in the grip of a religious cult.
Logan Lancing, The Queering of the American Child
What would you do if you found out your child was being indoctrinated into a religious cult at school? This question is posed by author Logan Lancing in his book The Queering of the American Child. In this work, Lancing posits that fanatical activists have infected our government schools with Queer Theory, using cult-like tactics to raise up a new Rainbow Guard for its never-ending Marxist Cultural Revolution.
So, what is Queer Theory, anyway? And what is it about Queer Theory and its application that causes Lancing to describe it as a cult?

According to Lancing, Queer Theory is a modern iteration of Marxist ideology, applied to identity politics and sexuality. In the words of the author, “The goal of Queer Theory is to awaken people to the ‘truth’ of Queer Theory; to brainwash people into believing…that there is no such thing as ‘normal’ at all. They, themselves, become the de facto arbiters of what is and isn’t ‘valid’ expression… it is…‘whatever is at odds with the normal, the legitimate, the dominant.’”
In other words, it is the wholesale destruction of every norm, tradition, social structure, system, and moral framework that holds civilization together. Queer theorists believe that ideas such as “man,” “woman,” and “childhood innocence” are not actually real, but mere social constructs, part of the “systems of oppression” that must be eliminated to achieve communist utopia. Unbelievably, they actually go so far as to say that raising children to be “normal” when they are actually “queer” (because, of course, all children are “queer” by nature) is a form of abuse.
These ideas may sound strange, but to those on the inside, the “initiates” as Lancing calls them, they must be zealously protected. To quote Lancing, “The inner school Queer Activists defend the cult at all costs…Queer Activists are wholly committed to the cult and have mostly severed ties with anyone who doesn’t share their faith…Queer Activists advance cult doctrine by studying the gospels of the cult and by conditioning the beliefs and behaviors of lower cult members and potential initiates…The inner circle wields the cult’s tremendous monetary and cultural power to finance and influence cult activism and expansion.” Does this sound like an objective, rational approach to ideas?
By now you may be thinking, “I understand what you’re saying, but that is definitely not in our schools.” Are you sure? According to Lancing, virtually every American university education department has embraced Queer Pedagogy (the application of Queer Theory to education), and teachers may knowingly or unknowingly be using its principles in the classroom. In the case of those operating with intention, be warned: the cult does not want parents to know that they are recruiting your kids. To remain undetected, they camouflage their agenda with agreeable sounding words like “diversity,” “equity,” “inclusion,” “justice,” “safety,” “anti-bullying,” and favorable curriculum titles like “social-emotional learning.”
Who doesn’t want their child to be against bullying, or in favor of learning to manage their feelings and relationships?
The thing is, the inner circle does not define these words the way you think they do, and they are counting on parents’ ignorance. Here are some examples: When we say “diversity,” we mean “students from different races, ethnicities, abilities, and religions assimilated and possessing equal value and rights.” When they say “diversity,” they mean that no child is normal, all children are “queer,” and that any and all moral standards, or lack thereof, (except Christianity) must be celebrated.
When we say “equity,” we mean that every student should have access to the same opportunities. When they say “equity,” they mean that children from “marginalized groups” should be given an advantage (the soft bigotry of low expectations), and that all students should have equal outcomes regardless of effort or talent.
When we say “inclusion,” we mean that no child is left out. When they say “inclusion,” they mean that all manners of identity and perversion must be celebrated regardless of moral beliefs.
When we say “justice,” we mean equal treatment under the law based on actions. When they say “justice,” they mean favorable treatment of “underprivileged groups” regardless of behavior.
When we say “safe,” we mean free from physical, mental, or emotional harm. When they say “safe,” they mean free from social “norms” which suffocate their inherent “queerness.”
When we say “anti-bullying,” we mean that no child should be allowed to harass another. When they say “anti-bullying,” they mean that it is only acceptable to bully children who do not affirm the Queer agenda.
Are any of these “buzzwords” in your child’s school policies? Some cursory research shows Post Falls School District uses the “anti-bullying” social-emotional learning curriculum Sources of Strength, while their Instructional Media policy says they are considerate of the “diversity of community values.”
Coeur d’Alene school district has its own “Equity Framework” policy, features “safe, supportive, and collaborative cultures” in its Strategic Plan, condemns “hate speech” based on “sexual orientation” in its District Student Handbook, and has unashamedly promoted transgender ideology.
School libraries in both districts contain a wide selection of sexually explicit books in their catalog. My guess is that many more examples abound. Of course, this is not proof that Kootenai County schools are being “queered,” but it definitely deserves further inquiry.
So, what would you do if your child was being indoctrinated into a religious cult at school? If it were me, I would probably go to the source to see if the facts lined up. If they did, I would take my child and run.