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Asylum for Afrikaners? Hell, Yes!

Keep Right — Column by Ralph K. Ginorio

Afrikaners and other Caucasian South Africans have just been offered the opportunity to legally come here to the United States as asylum seekers by President Trump. This is long past due. These people have been openly targeted for an anarchic genocide by politicians across the South African spectrum, including President Cyril Ramaphosa.

The Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema famously sings, in one translation of their race war ballad “Dubul’ ibhunu”:

Kill the Boer (white farmer),
Brrrrrr-pah (machinegun sound)!
Kill their wives,
Kill their kids,
Kill their dogs,
Kill their cats,
Kill the Boer (white farmer),
Brrrrrr-pah (machinegun sound)!

Since before the death of President Nelson Mandela in 2014, the legal rights and protections for white South Africans have melted away. Whites live in walled-off compounds surmounted with razor wire, in homes with internal gates intended to slow down attackers and give defenders a chance of protecting themselves and their families. Sometimes, these measures work.

Attacks are so routine that white families must travel to shop for basic necessities in armed caravans. When they get there, it is more than likely that the stores have already been looted. Whites are robbed, raped, and murdered in their homes, on the streets, in the stores, and anywhere else where human beings congregate. Non-convoying vehicles are taken by armed
gangs, who occasionally allow the travelers to survive the attack.

Agencies of the law do not even protect black South Africans who are unaffiliated with powerful patrons. Whole tribes of black South Africans are openly persecuted, as are the descendants of Asian Indians living in South Africa.

South African law has long been weaponized against whites. It is almost unheard of for police to arrest anyone involved in crimes against this group. Instead, for over a decade the law is merely one more method used by various black leaders to despoil whites of any property they still own.

Electricity only occasionally flows at random times each week. The power grid, along with roads, bridges, clean water systems, waste and sewer systems, hospitals, food and medical supplies, and modern buildings have all been deteriorating for decades. Unless a person has high political connections, nothing works.

But whites are openly and specifically targeted for a genocide more chaotic than Hitler’s Final Solution. Instead of an organized deportation to death camps, criminals are encouraged to prey upon white families until there are none left.

Yet, Americans and Europeans who unselfconsciously describe themselves as the most tolerant, just, and sensitive among us are united in opposing this mercy that Trump offers: a way out of South Africa. Left-wing and Woke, our “Social Justice Warriors” decry allowing Caucasian South Africans into our country because they claim these are White Supremacists.

To these activists, the very thought that people whose lineage originated in Europe could possibly be at risk for a racialist genocide is unthinkable. Many Leftists have publicly asserted that racism is unique to white people.

The Left’s theories of structural racism require that they condemn all Caucasians as predators. They have even accused white babies of being instinctive white supremacists. The United States is, to them, irredeemably racist.

These Leftists damn all that is associated with the age of European Imperialism, from before Christopher Columbus in 1492 to after F. W. De Klerk in 1994. In their warped view of history, the only important part of South African history is the Apartheid regime from 1948 through 1994.

To be sure, the racial caste system that was Apartheid was worse than “Jim Crow” and nearly as odious as the chattel slavery of blacks in the Antebellum South. However, South African history has much more of significance than this one 45 year period. Even the history of Dutch Afrikaner settlers goes back to 1600.

Is it fair to condemn Apartheid; hell yes! But it is not the only history that shapes today’s South Africa.

Also, against all odds, the last Apartheid Afrikaner President F. W. De Klerk negotiated the peaceful transfer of power to the black majority in the early 1990s. As the Soviets fell, Apartheid was dismantled, willingly, by the Afrikaners.

This need not have happened. In the early 1990s, South Africa had nuclear weapons as well as the dominant military south of the Sahara. Had the “Bittereinder” faction won out over De Klerk, a bloody civil war that included nuclear detonations would have been needed to end Apartheid.

Instead, De Klerk peaceably handed power over to newly-elected former political prisoner Nelson Mandela. For twenty years, Mandela maintained the only sub-Saharan first-world society in all Africa. He did so by protecting the civil and property rights of South Africans of all colors.

This was all ended by Mandela’s greedy successors, who tantalized their followers with promises of despoiling white property and destroying the white presence in South Africa. Mandela’s policy of reconciliation has become Ramaphosa’s policy of revenge.

Afrikaners and other Caucasian South Africans are being slowly exterminated. Yet, until Trump, the rest of the world looked on with either relish or indifference. Today’s whites have been left to pay for the sins of their ancestors.

This attitude came about because the West has long been schooled in the Left’s narratives of Critical Race Theory, which has replaced anti-black bigotry with white guilt and anti-white discrimination. In such an environment, expressing compassion for today’s victims comes with the risk of being called an Apartheid-loving racist.

We in the West must free ourselves from those who would bully us into spectating at today’s genocides in South Africa, in Xinjiang, and in Tibet. We must stand bravely against the Left’s version of racial hatred. We should each consider a choice to actively help those who, like President Trump, are trying to save the lives of men, women, and children from politically expedient extermination.