Mission Statement
The mission of Kootenai Journal is to report the news truthfully without personal commentary, so that our North Idaho community is well informed, educated, and inspired.
Company Values
Kootenai Journal stands for truth in reporting. Truth is defined by Nature and Nature’s God, and is not subjective. It is vitally important to the well-being of our community that balanced, truthful material is presented to readers. Only a well-educated citizenry can preserve the liberty and freedom we enjoy in America. A free press, as guaranteed in the United States Constitution, is a critical component to a well-educated citizenry. Kootenai Journal is dedicated to being a publication our community can trust for reliable, accurate information pertaining to local, regional, and state politics, as well as events and stories of interest and importance.
Kootenai Journal is passionate about providing factual information in a manner that allows the material to present itself without bias. Our journalists strive to give our readers a clear understanding of the subject matter. With honest and accurate information, our readers will be able to make informed decisions concerning a wide spectrum of subjects which are important to our community. Our passion is to provide an education in civics, which is the study of the theoretical, political, and practical aspects of citizenship, as well as its rights and duties.
Kootenai Journal is dedicated to upholding the highest journalistic standards which include: seeking and reporting truth, minimizing harm, acting independently, and being accountable. This means our journalists will be honest and courageous in gathering, interpreting, and reporting the information. We will endeavor to approach stories with respect to the source, the subject matter, and the impact on the community. We will seek to use language that is not sensationalized in reporting the news, and will place the public’s right to know above any other interest.
Meet the Team
Charity Joy — Editor-in-Chief
An entrepreneur and 33-year resident of Kootenai County, Idaho, Charity Joy has run a successful small business and served the community in a range of roles from coaching youth sports to large-scale event organizing. She is the owner of Kootenai Journal, with a vision to bring the community accurate and relevant news, highlighting stories of interest to both rural and town residents. Currently, her focus is on community education with an emphasis on constitutional literacy and civic engagement. She is a blend of classic liberalism and constitutional restorationism, who recognizes the order of the universe as designed by the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.
Steph Smith — Senior Copy Editor
A former book, newspaper, and magazine editor and publisher for the medical administration industry, and former project manager and editor for Ogilvy Denver, a part of the old guard New York City marketing and PR firm of the same name, Steph brings 20 years of editing experience to Kootenai Journal. Steph found that helping Fortune 10 companies pass big money back and forth to one another was extremely unfulfilling, and now she gets to help bring stellar unbiased journalism to the people of Kootenai County. She finally feels “home, with my kinda peeps,” in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and has lived here nearly six years.
Julie Champion — Copy Editor
Julie is an Executive Assistant with several decades of experience in various industries, including clean energy technology investing, redevelopment, and healthcare. She has edited myriad business documents in her career, and enjoys putting her eagle eyes to work for Kootenai Journal.
Jeremy — Videographer
Jeremy is a photojournalist in Kootenai County, Idaho, who has worked in local television news for 15 years. The 2021 mandates forced him to see the difference between propaganda and the truth. He chose the truth.
Theresa Stockard — Web Design
Theresa is the owner of Cowgirl Media, a web design & photography agency in Latah County, Idaho, where she has resided since 2017. A California escapee, and staunch conservative, she was part of the Recall Gov. Little team and developed that website as part of her efforts to help Idaho avoid going the route of California. She and her husband spend their time riding and traveling with their Morgan horses and mules, determined to see more of the west “between two ears” before they’re too old to enjoy it.
Wyatt Tietz — Writer
Wyatt is a student of life, in everything from journalism to the Word of God. He values truth, passion, and community.
Ralph K. Ginorio — Columnist
In Maine, and then Idaho, Ralph K. Ginorio has taught the history of Western Civilization to high school students for nearly a quarter century. He is an “out-of-the-closet” conservative educator with experience in special education, public schools, and charter schools for grades six through 12, and has lived in Coeur d’Alene since 2014.
Susanne Kearney — Columnist
Suzanne has been homeschooling for over 15 years. She is active in the local grassroots group, Clean Books 4 Kids, is a Patriot Academy Constitution coach, and works in database management for the Christian apologetics ministry, The John 10:10 Project. She enjoys swimming, running, and martial arts, and is a resident of Post Falls, Idaho.
Brian D. King — Columnist
Brian is an educator, founder, and director of Salt and Light. His time, energy, and passion have led him to explore how diverse core routines, and emotions, can change, build, and repair the structures in the human brain. For two decades, his private school has been a proving ground for giving students the tools they need to pursue a future they envision.
Mark Martinez — Columnist
Mark is a writer and mentor to families. He is the Founder of CROP Ministries and has developed Rite of Passage curriculum for families of 11-15-year-olds. He authored the book A Father’s Story: Life Lessons from My Dad to You with his oldest daughter. Mark has been married to his wife Jan for 31 years and they live in Hayden. They have two adult daughters and two grandsons.
Bob Shillingstad — Columnist
Bob and his wife Jane have been married for over 60 years and enjoy 24 grandchildren. He is a retired principal of an international investment firm and an avid follower of Jesus.
Teresa Balanesi — Columnist
Teresa realized at a young age that the truth and beauty expressed in nature held the lessons we so often overlook. She believes applying a grounded understanding of God’s law (Natural Law) leads us to a place of peace.
Scott Dinger — Columnist
Scott Dinger and his wife Stephanie are the owners and operators of Primal Pest Control LLC. A resident of North Idaho for over twenty years, his passion for serving Christ, family, and the community through his business model, privatized conservation efforts, and outdoor pursuits all center on keeping the area we call home special. He can be reached for comment by email at primalpest@protonmail.com