While traveling on American Airlines flight 1441 from Spokane, Wa. to Phoenix, Az. on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, my cabin experienced a mid-flight disturbance.
From my own seat in 18A, I had a limited, but reasonably good view of the events that unfolded. About 25 minutes from take-off, a man called an attendant to his row (18 D-F).

The retirement-aged man, sitting in the middle row, informed the attendant that the man next to him in the aisle seat was exposing himself. After a few attendants arrived at the scene, it was determined that the man needed to use the restroom and needed a Spanish translator (A crewmember asked over the loudspeaker for someone who spoke Spanish and one was eventually located).
While the man was in the restroom, the flight attendants sought to reorganize the passengers so that the man would be seated alone. However, the man who had originally called the attendants asked to be seated next to the man so that he could take him out if he tried anything.
Eventually, the man who had apparently exposed himself was seated by the window and the retirement-aged man was seated in his aisle seat. When the translator spoke to the man, the conversation concluded with her saying that he denied having done anything.

4:38 p.m. Update: Upon arrival in Phoenix, the man in question was escorted off the plane by airplane staff where he was arrested by the City of Phoenix Police Department.