Screenshot from video of Hamas protestors at Capital Hill.

No J6 Treatment for Pro-Hamas Rioters

At the same time Chris Wray testified that “political violence” is on the rise and the FBI investigates all incidents regardless of politics, Hamas sympathizers tore up the nation’s capital – again.

By Julie Kelly

WASHINGTON D.C. – As expected, House Democrats used Wednesday’s appearance by FBI Director Christopher Wray as an opportunity not to denounce the attempted assassination of Donald Trump but to exaggerate the threat of “political violence” in America.

“Political violence of any kind is dangerous, unlawful, and unacceptable,” Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash) lectured during the House Judiciary Committee hearing intended to press Wray for details about the events of July 13. “I understand the increased tenor of political violence that is racking the country. It has been on the rise, fomented by dehumanizing rhetoric by top officials including the former president.” In some circles, that is known as “blaming the victim.”

Wray himself said he has observed an “alarming phenomenon” in recent years of political passions turning to violence. We don’t care what an individual is mad about, Wray warned, “when it turns to violence, that’s when we draw the line, that’s when we get engaged.”

This is part of the “both sides” blarney Joe Biden and the media have attempted to promote since the shooting on July 13. In other words, neither side is more responsible that the other for random incidents of political violence.

Which, of course, is a lie.

In fact, just as Democrats and Wray, who bragged in an unseemly and inappropriate way about the Department of Justice’s success in throwing hundreds of J6ers in jail, were lamenting an escalation in political violence, the nation’s capital was on a soft lockdown in preparation for a visit by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Roads were closed earlier in the day as police readied for what terrorist-sympathizers called “the day of rage.” In the irony of all ironies, the federal courthouse, where judges routinely berate J6 defendants over their political views and for any involvement in the four-hour protest more than three-and-a-half years ago, held no in-person proceedings on Wednesday.

Shortly after Wray’s hearing concluded, the situation outside the Capitol deteriorated. Pro-Hamas thugs, some shouting “Allahu Akbar” and “Hamas is coming,” once again started to trash Washington. Demonstrators clashed with police as they attempted to breach bike-rack barriers.

Some assaulted police: one man dragged a Park Police officer several feet by the back of his protective vest while another spit in the face of an officer. Demonstrators threw water bottles and other items at police, who on several occasions deployed pepper spray at the raucous crowd (watch videos of crowd here).

American flags in front of Union Station were taken down and burned, replaced with the Palestinian flag. Monuments were defaced; police vehicles were vandalized.

The crowd spent two nights outside the Watergate Hotel, where Netanyahu and his staff stayed, shouting and confronting police. The DC Palestinian Youth Movement dumped maggots and mealworms on their banquet tables and released crickets on several floors of the hotel.

Capitol Police, who arrested approximately 200 protesters on Tuesday for illegally occupying the Cannon House Office building (again), announced the arrest of six terrorist sympathizers who interrupted Netanyahu’s address to Congress.

But despite Wray’s insistence that his law enforcement agency doesn’t consider political affiliation in deciding who to charge and arrest, the FBI has yet to announce federal criminal charges against anyone involved in any of the pro-Hamas demonstrations in Washington over the past nine months.

So far, Wray’s office has not even bothered to release a statement condemning the violence on July 24.

Which means no one will awaken to a pre-dawn raid by the FBI’s counterterrorism task force. Or hauled off to a special prison in Washington and denied release by a federal judge. Or be cast as a domestic terrorist by everyone from Joe Biden down to local newspaper reporters.

The demonstrator who dragged a federal officer will not be held in pretrial detention for more than a year like ex-NYPD officer Thomas Webster, who was engaged in a similar scuffle with a D.C. Metro cop on January 6, immediately found guilty by a D.C. jury then sentenced to ten years in prison. The thugs who threw water bottles at police won’t be behind bars for 18 months before being tormented into a plea deal for assaulting police like Julian Khater, who was accused of pepper spraying cops on January 6, then sentenced to more than six years in jail.

Those who burned American flags will not be arrested and sentenced to five months in prison like Enrique Tarrio, who was detained on January 5, 2021, on charges he aided the burning of a BLM banner in 2020, then put on trial for “seditious conspiracy” related to January 6 and sentenced to 22 years.

Wray won’t seek a geofence warrant to collect cell phone data belonging to thousands of demonstrators so he can track them down, investigate, and arrest them.

Matthew Graves, the Biden-appointed U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, will not send out daily bulletins bragging about the latest “day of rage” arrest, prosecution, and conviction. Why would he start now? Graves hasn’t prosecuted a single pro-Hamas demonstrator since the protests began last October.

The double standards of justice just never end.

Journalist Julie Kelly provides breaking news, analysis, and commentary related to the weaponization of the US Department of Justice via Declassified with Julie Kelly on Substack. Unique coverage of January 6 and pending criminal indictments of Donald J. Trump. This article was originally published here.