by Ken Scott, Post 143 Outreach Committee Chair
This year, American Legion Post 143 is adding two unique community outreach events—a community blood drive in partnership with the American Red Cross, and the American Legion Future Heroes Fellowship Luncheon, a new program that will occur each quarter.
Local service recruiters from all branches and components, new military-service recruits along with their family members, and Legionnaires from each branch of service will be in attendance at each Fellowship Luncheon.
There are multiple beneficial aspects to this program. First, the Post will recognize young recruits before they leave to their respective services’ boot camps. Second, local recruiters will utilize this opportunity for their periodic check-in with their recruits as they prepare to ship out. Third, the Post will provide Legionnaire mentors from each branch of the service to talk to the recruits and parents about military service life. Finally, the Legion will be available should family members need any support after the member ships out.

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization. Focusing on service to veterans, service-members, and communities, the Legion evolved from a group of war-weary veterans of World War I into one of the most influential nonprofit groups in the United States.
Membership swiftly grew to over 1 million, and local posts sprang up across the country. Today, membership stands at over 1.6 million in more than 12,000 posts worldwide. The posts are organized into 55 departments: one each for the 50 states, along with the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Latin America and the Philippines.
Over the years, the Legion has built its identity by achieving hundreds of benefits and services for veterans, supporting the U.S. Armed Forces and instilling the values of responsible citizenship among young people. From the extraordinary Legion-drafted GI Bill to relief for veterans exposed to toxic contaminates, veterans of the American Legion have worked tirelessly for over a century to improve and strengthen the nation they swore to defend with their lives.

American Legion Post 143, located in Post Falls, is the largest Post in Idaho with over 700 members. It regularly hosts and participates in numerous programs which include; sponsorship of local sports teams, oratorical contests, boys and girls state, annual ceremonies, and other service-member support events.
This summer from July 10-13, the Post will be hosting the 2025 Idaho State American Legion Convention. At this event, delegates across the state will elect the new leadership team. Additionally, sub-committees will also take place to include American Legion Riders, Sons of the American Legion, and many others.
For more information on the American Legion, please contact a Post near you.