Victoria Bauman

Victoria Bauman Announces Candidacy for Trustee of Community Library Network

Press Release from Candidate for Elected Office

At the March 20 Community Library Network (CLN) board meeting, Victoria Bauman, a resident of Kootenai County, announced her candidacy for Trustee for the Community Library Network. 

Victoria describes herself as the mother of a young child who participates regularly in her local community library programming, and she, like community families, depends on a safe library environment. Victoria’s professional experiences began following her graduation from college. She worked in public affairs for various private corporations and political campaigns, and after moving to northern California, she became the communications director for a nonprofit, Constituting America. This is an organization in which she continues to volunteer by speaking to students at schools and being a judge in their annual art competition. Ten years ago, Victoria pursued a career as a Pilates instructor and became the owner/instructor of a successful Pilates studio in California. Currently, she continues to teach Pilates part time. 

In addition to expressing her appreciation of the many resources and programs available to children at libraries, she placed an emphasis on the importance of law in the protection of children by stating, 

“Gratefully, Idaho has passed the “Children’s School and Library Protection Act” which aligns with  the U.S. Supreme Court’s upholding of laws that restrict minors’ access to illicit, obscene, and harmful content, recognizing the government’s compelling interest in safeguarding the physical and psychological well-being of children.”

She continued by noting it is the responsibility of CLN to fully implement and comply with current law to ensure that libraries are kept safe for all children. Her comment reflects her assurance and dedication to doing the work of legal implementation and compliance as a CLN trustee so libraries are kept safe for all children. 

“I am committed to protecting our precious children from gaining access or exposure to illicit materials which could be detrimental their healthy development while preserving Libraries’ dynamic and supportive resources and programs for our adult community.”