Springfield Ohio Can Happen Here

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Keep Right – Column by Ralph K. Ginorio

Springfield, Ohio, is only the latest and most famous example of an American community destroyed by mass immigration. It is by no means unique. Municipalities as diverse in time, space, and character as 1990s Lewiston, Maine, and today’s Syacauga City, Alabama, have experienced the trauma of thousands of culturally un-assimilated immigrants suddenly appearing in their neighborhoods.

After four years of open borders and fifty-nine years of pro-Third World immigration policies, communities across the United States are being intentionally transformed. States, cities, and towns deemed by Leftists to be too-white or too-conservative have been targeted for radical reconstruction.

The current patterns bear absolutely no resemblance to traditional US immigration patterns. My ancestors came from Ireland, England, Cuba, and Puerto Rico as individuals. They each had to adapt themselves to learn English, develop American manners and hygiene, and earn a living.

To thrive in their newly adopted land, my ancestors sloughed off their old country identities to become thoroughly American. More importantly, they raised their children to be patriotic defenders of the USA who loved their country. They exemplified the American Dream.

I suspect that this is true of anyone’s family who arrived in the United States from abroad before the mid-1960s. They arrived legally, individually, and eager to adapt. They were self-supporting, insistently so; because, in the USA, a person was defined by their work rather than their birth.

After decades of a flood of immigration, largely from Europe and East Asia, the US decided in 1924 to restrict new immigration to lower numbers. This was done to give immigrants and their descendants more time to fully assimilate long-term.

However, in 1965 a Democratic Congressional supermajority partnered with President Lyndon Johnson to open the USA to a new inundation from abroad. This time, preference was given to people from Third World countries. So-called “economic refugees” eclipsed those who came here to share in our Constitutional freedoms. This new wave of legal immigrants originated in regions with little contact with the Western world; from peasant societies rather than from modern industrial civilization.

More importantly, because of the new Great Society Welfare State, these newly-arrived immigrants were able to immediately go onto the public dole. They did not have to get a job in the wider American world. Because of this, many remained ghettoized by their own choice. They did not need to adapt.

A new pattern of organized-group-settlement developed after the US intervention in Somalia. Many thousands of newly-arrived Somalis were placed into communities that had never asked for them nor expected them.

Catholic Charities “settled” thousands in enclave neighborhoods in Lewiston and Portland, Maine. These immigrants only rarely entered into the wider mainstream, yet demanded that their host communities adapt to their cultural particularities. Every public service was overstressed; schools, in particular, were hard hit; street culture became unrecognizable, and crime skyrocketed.

Despite the ubiquitous propaganda that “diversity is our strength,” living standards fell and community norms deteriorated. Long-term residents found their communities unrecognizable and themselves a threatened minority within their own neighborhoods.

Add to this the tens of millions of illegal aliens that have been recruited to come here by the Biden-Harris Administration. When will they be placed by the thousands into regions like North Idaho? When will this social engineering be used to make us “less white” and less conservative?

This is all being done for political gain. Leftists want shattered communities full of desperately worried Americans, so desperate that we will cede to the Federal government total power. They also want immigrant-fueled permanent electoral majorities that will turn the USA into a one-party dictatorship like Venezuela.

If the floodgates of unrestricted illegal and legal immigration were to be unleashed upon us, who would stop it? A Coeur d’Alene City Council so desperate to curry favor with the woke donor class that they have already enacted laws against free expression? The Board of Kootenai County Commissioners, who are already so overwhelmed by other matters that it is
unlikely that they could focus on such preventative measures? Our moderate governor who has publicly delighted in frustrating Conservatives?

We voting citizens had better make it a top priority in local, county, state, and federal elections to find ways of preventing Catholic charities or any other group from flooding our home with thousands of un-acculturated immigrants. If we don’t, then sooner or later what has happened elsewhere will certainly happen here.