Sewer Construction to Start June 17 in Coeur d’Alene

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Press Release from the City of Coeur d’Alene

The City of Coeur d’Alene’s Wastewater Utility is undertaking a much-needed project to enhance the reliability of the public sewer system by rehabilitating and replacing sewer and water pipes which date back to before the 1970s.

Work will start the week of June 17, 2024, on 19th Street and 20th Street from Coeur d’Alene Avenue north. The project involves replacing six-inch concrete sewer pipe with new eight-inch PVC sewer pipe. This project will last several weeks, with active construction from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Some work is possible on Fridays. It is anticipated this first phase will be completed by July 19, 2024. Thereafter, the contractor will move to Cherrywood Drive in Stanley Hill for the second phase, which will involve both waterline and sewer work. The final phase will involve sewer replacement on Homestead and 3rd Street. The entire project should be completed by September 1, 2024.

Notification to all affected residents and businesses will be provided by the contractor via door hangers 48 and 24 hours before commencing construction. Residents and businesses are urged to minimize daytime sewage discharge as described in the notification. At the end of each working day, normal sewage discharge may resume. In rare cases, you may notice odors from sewer fixtures and drains. If needed, pour water into interior floor drains and low or unused plumbing fixtures to mitigate odors.

All work will be confined to publicly owned property and the rights-of-way. There may be minor, periodic interruptions to traffic flow within the neighborhoods, and may include detours. Flaggers will be present to redirect local traffic as necessary. We apologize in advance for this inconvenience.

For questions, special needs, or accessibility issues please contact: Larry Parsons, Utility Project Manager at (208)769-2268 or, Jessica Waller, JUB Engineering, (208)762-8787 or, or Logan Sorensen, JUB Engineering, (208)762-8787 or