General session at the Idaho GOP convention on June 14, 2024.

A Nuisance Within the Idaho Republican Party

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Today’s general session of the Idaho Republican Convention was largely uneventful, with one exception. Trent Clark from Caribou County tried multiple different variations of parliamentary inquiries to give Bingham County the ability to seat delegates.

Bingham County is the sole county in the state that failed to pay its dues to the state Republican party. Per Article XIX, Section 6 of the Idaho Republican Party State rules, counties who do not pay their dues cannot receive credentials for any delegates. 

Counties that have unpaid Membership Dues by the date of the state convention shall be assessed a convention registration surcharge equal to the unpaid Membership Dues. Such surcharge must be paid by the county prior to the release of credentials for any delegates from that county. In the event that the county has not paid the surcharge and does not have sufficient funds to pay the surcharge as evidenced in their latest Idaho Secretary of State Campaign Finance Report, a delegate or alternate may pay a surcharge equal to the unpaid Membership Dues divided by the number of delegates allocated to that county and his or her credentials will be released.”

Per Article XIX, Section 6

As a member of the Idaho GOP Executive Committee, Clark is well-versed and knowledgeable about the state party rules. His use of the procedures available to delegates during the official proceeding appeared to be little more than delay tactics and political grandstanding.

The parliamentary inquiries from Clark were addressed to Bryan Smith, chair of the credentials committee, who handled the matter with ease, assisted by two parliamentarians who are experts in the rules and procedures that govern the official proceedings. With nuisances like Trent Clark lurking around every corner withing the Idaho GOP, it is prudent to ensure all official proceedings are conducted with the aid of parliamentarians.

Three state officials addressed the assembly. Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador was greeted with a standing ovation as he made his way to the podium, which led him to comment that he was “a little embarrassed.” Labrador said his office has gotten “victory after victory” against the Biden administration. He announced that an injunction against Biden’s Title IX rules was recently issued, and that an expected win concerning Idaho’s pro-life legislation should be coming within weeks from the Supreme Court of the United States. “The Republican Party is a beacon of hope for future generations,” stated Labrador.

Labrador is considered a rock-star conservative by grassroots Republicans who were sick of the former Idaho AG’s failure to fight on behalf of the people of Idaho. It is refreshing to see an elected official follow through on their campaign promises.

Idaho State Controller Brandon Woolf spoke briefly, “It’s a great day, it’s flag day.” He shared about attending 13 Lincoln Day dinners throughout the state earlier this year where he found the “energy and excitement in the Republican party incredible” and contributed the enthusiasm to grassroots efforts.

Superintendent of Public Instruction Debbie Critchfield spoke about efforts to improve education. “I have traveled extensively to listen to parents,” shared Critchfield whose team has been across the state visiting school districts. She said she wanted to be at the convention to “support Republicans and Republican values.”

According to Smith, the convention has 616 credentialed delegates, with 593 in attendance by the time registration was closed. When asked how many delegates were first-time participants at a convention, over half of them raised their hands.

Elections for state party officials will be held on Saturday, June 15 at another general session to be held at the Schuler Performing Arts Center at North Idaho College. The current chair Dorothy Moon is seeking a second term. Former state legislator Mary Souza will contend for the chairmanship. Both Moon and Souza participated in the 2022 Republican Primary for Secretary of State, the three-way race was won by Phil McGrane from Ada County.

On a side note, it was disturbing to recognize a proud Biden-voting activist sitting as an alternate delegate at the Idaho GOP convention. As far as this publication is concerned, if you vote for corrupt Joe Biden, you forfeit any true affiliation with the Republican Party. How many other Democrat-voting activists were posing as a Republicans at the state convention?