Are Drones Used by County Government?

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SANDPOINT, Idaho – The possible use of drones to survey private property was a focal point at this week’s Bonner County Commissioner meeting.

Commissioner Asia Williams requested the board discuss the subject of drone use to address concerns brought forth by numerous residents. Questions were specific to the Planning Departments use to validate building permits and the Assessor’s Office use for appraising properties. Clark Fork resident Dimitry Borisov spoke about an experience by one of his neighbors who saw a drone fly over his property and then received a notice from the Planning Department referencing his ongoing renovations.

Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Bill Wilson said, “I know for a fact that this was an issue that was at least approached in the Planning Department a few years ago and I cited the appropriate statute with them. Since that time, we haven’t utilized drones in the Planning Department at all. We get our aerial imagery from the Planning Department from pictometry.”

Assessor Dennis Englehardt said “The Assessor’s Office does not use drones. We would never use drones.” He reported that the department only receives permission to come on the property by approximately 50 percent of the owners. He further added, “We can stand in public areas and take photographs and make observations and notes. We can be on private property where we have permission to be and observe those things. We can talk to people who are willing to talk about their visits to those properties, talking about citizens. And we also have Eagleview, which is a flyover service that the county contracts for.”

Commissioner Steve Bradshaw read from Idaho State Code 21-213 Restriction on Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Bradshaw said, “There is a carve out for the Sheriff’s Office and law enforcement to use drones. They only drones owned by Bonner County are in the possession of the SO. That should cure everybody’s fear about the county using drones for any reason.”

County resident Amy Lunsford spoke in her public comment to explain why she wanted this subject discussed. “Those questions are being asked because we don’t trust our government. We don’t trust it at this level. We don’t trust it at the upper level.” She thanked the board for putting the topic on the agenda for discussion and was happy to have her concerns addressed.