Just the Facts

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Letter to the Editor

By Don Thompson of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

NWCCU, the accrediting agency for North Idaho College, is a DEI supporting and embedded organization. Just look at their website. It is interesting to note their website in the past was very proud of its DEI positions and displayed references prominently, but that site has been updated to hide their DEI affiliation and emphasis.

The State of Idaho prohibits the use of DEI in college admissions.

There are more questions than answers.


  • How can a DEI supporting institution regulate any institution in Idaho that prohibits the use of DEI in college admissions? Or, why hasn’t NIC sought accreditation from a non-DEI organization?
  • Is this the reason two of the NIC trustees refuse to have an executive session?
  • Who and/or what are these two trustees hiding?